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What Kind of Packed Meals Do You Bring to School?

What Kind of Packed Meals Do You Bring to School?

What kind of packed meals do you bring to school? Bringing a packed meal can prevent children from buying snacks and getting hungry. Get them into a habit of bringing a packed lunch and involve them in choosing which food to bring to school. Making a packed lunch is not difficult. Here are some tips on what to pack:

  • Fruits and vegetables with various colors
  • Prioritize complex carbohydrates and salads
  • Healthy drinks can be in the form of milk
  • Sandwiches
  • Rice with Animal protein or vegetable protein
  • Rice noodles with vegetables
  • Macaroni with fried fish and sauteed vegetables
  • Avoid bringing biscuits and sweet cakes.
  • Bring food that does not spill easily
  • Food that can be consumed at room temperature


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