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Seaweed Product

Seaweed Product

  1. Have you been consuming seaweed for health benefits?
    Seaweeds, also known as sea vegetables, are marine plants.
    Some of its benefits are:
    • Lowering blood sugar and cholesterol.
    • Maintaining healthy skin and bones.
    • Preventing cancer and removing toxins in the body.
    • Boosting the Immune system and accelerating the healing of wounds
  2. What kind of seaweed can be consumed and made into beverages?

    • The wet and chewy seaweed is called wakame while the dry and crunchy
    one is called nori.
    • Often used as a flavor base for stews, kombu/kelp comes in thin sheets and
    must be soaked to soften the texture.
    • When chewed, seagrape/umi budo falls apart in the mouth.
    • Seaweed jelly (eucheuma cottonii) is suitable for fresh drinks.
    • Shaped like broccoli, baron seaweed can be processed into soups, sautes,
    and chips.
    • The crispy texture of suun seaweed, available in white and green, is great
    for urap and stir-fry.
  3. Where can we find seaweed in Indonesia?
    The main producing areas: Thousand Islands, Riau Islands, Lombok Island,
    Bali, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, NTT, East Java, Gorontalo, West Java.

4. What food and beverages can be created from seaweed?
• Soup: kombu seaweed – miso soup’s dashi base
• Salad: wakame seaweed – Japanese salad
• Snacks: nori seaweed – biscuits, muffins, scones, and nori chips
• Dessert – fruit pudding, brownies, cookies
• Drinks: kombu tea with milk and spices, lemonade, cocktails

5. What is the future possibility of seaweed?
In Indonesia, seaweed products are processed into food and beverages like
biscuits, meat floss, nori, chips, pickles, and various drinks. Whereas abroad,
seaweed is used to add nutrients and nutrients to food and beverages.
Plastic paper packaging for food and beverages, such as ketchup sachets and
hamburger buns, may be replaced by edible seaweed sheets.

Ayo-ma aims to provide entrepreneurial mothers with knowledge and
encourage their creativity in utilizing seaweed for food and beverage recipes
or producing Indonesian souvenir snacks.

In the future, Indonesian seaweed products will have a significant impact as
they can improve the healthiness of food and drink packaging. Seaweedbased packaging is also biodegradable, meaning it can decompose naturally.

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