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Together with YSBM - Ayoma Serves

Together with YSBM – Ayoma Serves

This Learning House began to appear to provide free education to children during the COVID-19 pandemic, as most of the children’s parents, working as daily workers and peddlers were unable to support their children’s online schooling during the PSBB period. Despite the inadequate conditions of the Learning House, the children’s enthusiasm for their
future remains undiminished.

Ayo-ma collaborates with Yayasan Saluran Berkat Mandiri (YSBM) to serve. Alongside distributing Ayoma Bags containing a variety of snacks ranging from milk, cheese, eggs, honey, coconut chips, as well as coloring books and pencils, 300 Ayoma Bags have been delivered to children at several Learning Centres, including Rawa Indah, Kalijodo, and Kapuk in North Jakarta.

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