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Cassava Product

Cassava Product

What is cassava and its health benefits?

Cassava is a type of root vegetable that contains carbohydrates. It is the staple food of some regions in Indonesia. Do you know what the benefits of cassava are for health?

a. Cassava roots

Although the primary roles of the cassava root include providing support to the stem of the
plant and absorbing nutrients from the soil, the root tubers also play a crucial role in storing
food reserves, particularly in the form of carbohydrates like starch.

b. Cassava leaves

Cassava leaves contain a high amount of vitamin C and folate, which help boost the immune system. Vitamin C can help destroy bacteria and viruses. The leaves of the cassava plant can also contribute to preserving bone health. Their antioxidants have the potential to eliminate free radicals present in the body.

c. Cassava stems

Cassava stems are useful for:

• Treating festering wounds, when mashed into a fine consistency.
• Anthelmintic (anti-worm medicine), when boiled with Chinese Ketapang, leaves.
• Firewoods. Using this can enhance the flavor of the food.


What are the health risks of cassava?

Cassava contains cyanogenic glycosides, which can convert into cyanide inside the body.

Quoting from Alodokter.com, cassava can absorb harmful chemicals, such as arsenic and cadmium, from the soil. These substances can increase the risk of cancer.

Thus, to make it safe for consumption, cassava should be thoroughly washed, peeled, and cooked. This root vegetable is a good source of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and resistant starch.

When boiled, cassava roots retain their nutrients while eliminating substances that can be
detrimental to the body.


What are some foods made of cassava?

Gethuk, Tapai, Cassava chips


Cassava compote, Stir-fried cassava leaves, Cassava spaghetti

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