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Food for the Two-line Fighters?

Food for the Two-line Fighters?

Ayo-ma friends are probably aware of one of the benefits of bean sprouts, which is their potential to boost fertility. Bean sprouts, derived from grains such as mung beans and soybeans, offer significant advantages for both women and men. Vitamin B6 in bean sprouts aids in regulating female reproductive hormones, while their rich antioxidant content, […]

Balanced Nutrition: Are You Meeting Your Dietary Needs?

Balanced Nutrition: Are You Meeting Your Dietary Needs?

Balanced nutrition entails structuring daily food intake to align with the body’s nutritional requirements. In principle, it comprises of four essential pillars recommended for maintaining overall health and functionality. According to The Nutrition Source by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, there’s a concept called the Healthy Eating Plate, which emphasizes four key components […]

A Career Woman's Healthy Diet

A Career Woman’s Healthy Diet

As a career woman, maintaining nutritional balance is important. However, in reality, achieving this can be quite challenging, especially when time for cooking is limited due to daily work commitments. Isabel, a freelancer and member of the Ayo-ma team, resonates with this struggle. To cope with her busy schedule, Isabel opts for meal prep to […]

A University Student’s Meal

A University Student’s Meal

Diet is the key factor influencing nutrition, where the quality and quantity of food and beverages consumed directly affects the health of individuals and communities. Ensuring optimal nutrition is crucial for the physical growth, development and cognitive abilities of infants, children, and all age groups. How can we cultivate a healthy lifestyle through mindful food […]

Australian Government’s Healthy Living Program for  Children

Australian Government’s Healthy Living Program for Children

Being a new mum is certainly not easy. And when you find yourself navigating motherhood in a foreign country, the journey becomes even more daunting. This is the reality faced by Dee, a member of the Ayo-ma team who is a new mom who recently migrated to Australia. Traditionally, new mothers seek support and guidance […]

Empowering Kids with Balanced Nutrition  Knowledge

Empowering Kids with Balanced Nutrition Knowledge

Do you think it is difficult to get children to develop the habit of eating healthy food? This time we hear from one of Ayo-ma’s team members, Vidy, a mother with a toddler. According to Vidy, healthy food is rich in nutrients and contains elements that help make the body more energised. As we know, […]

The Relaxing Fresh Mint Leaf Tea

The Relaxing Fresh Mint Leaf Tea

Mint leaves can be found in various dishes and beverages, one of which is the delightful afternoon beverage known as Iced Mint Tea. Its ingredients are simple, including Black Tea, Lime, a dash of Honey for sweetness, and Mint Leaves. Iced Mint Tea is a drink that Ayo-ma friends might want to consider trying due […]

Is Protein Essential for the Body?

Is Protein Essential for the Body?

Is the body reliant on protein for its proper functioning? If we were to compare the body to a house, then protein would be equivalent to the bricks and concrete used in constructing the house. Protein plays a major role in the formation of body systems such as muscles, bones, skin, and blood. On top […]

The Trending Milk

The Trending Milk

Since childhood, we have been drinking cow’s milk due to the belief that it provides significant health benefits such as enhancing immunity, strengthening bones, and improving sleep quality. Whether it is pure milk, sweetened condensed milk, or UHT milk, they all come from cows. Yes, even those marketed as bear’s milk. However, it turns out […]

Adequate Nutrition for Suhoor

Adequate Nutrition for Suhoor

Ramadhan is a momentous month for Muslims. As fasting can be challenging, people eagerly look forward to breaking the fast with their loved ones each day, which brings them great happiness. The key to a successful fast is having a nutritious suhoor meal to provide our bodies with enough energy to carry out our daily […]
