What are Packaging Labels? Every packaged food or beverage product features a label that provides essential information about its nutritional value. According to the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM), it’s important to read the packaging label carefully, as this serves as a guideline for balanced nutrition. The back of the package typically includes details about […]
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Green Grass Jelly: High in Chlorophyll and Soluble Fiber
Who among Ayo-ma’s friends enjoys eating green grass jelly? It’s especially delicious when served with coconut milk and sugar! However, if consumed with too many additives, such as excessive sugar, the health benefits of green grass jelly can be diminished. The addition of granulated sugar can increase sugar levels, making it less suitable for diabetics. […]

Rosella Flowers: A Tangy Red Delight Packed with Health Benefits
Do you enjoy drinking rosella flower tea? In recent years, it has been gaining popularity due to its impressive health benefits. The tart flavor of rosella flowers can help nourish our body due to the organic acids it contains. Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are known for their various health benefits, one of which is aiding […]

Simple Foods That Nourish Our Bodies!
Lentils are a quick and easy food to prepare. Their low price makes Lentils a readily accessible source of high-quality protein for the general public. Belonging to the legume family, lentils share similarities with mung beans. Resembling small corn kernels, they serve as a staple ingredient in Asian and North African cuisines. Lentils offer numerous […]

Growing Probiotics
As a fermented food lover, I understand the importance of probiotics for our health. At times, I even consume special drinks containing probiotics to ensure that my colon has enough probiotics. In Ayo-ma’s interview with food science expert Prof. Fransiska Zakaria Rungkat, I learned a surprising new fact; consuming probiotic-rich foods isn’t the only way […]

Fight GERD with Fermented Foods
I love fermented foods, despite having a history of GERD. When people hear this, they often ask, “Won’t eating sour foods cause your GERD to flare up?” In reality, I find that fermented foods help manage my GERD. Of course, I don’t mean drinking yogurt when my stomach is upset, but rather incorporating more fermented […]

Food for the Two-line Fighters?
Ayo-ma friends are probably aware of one of the benefits of bean sprouts, which is their potential to boost fertility. Bean sprouts, derived from grains such as mung beans and soybeans, offer significant advantages for both women and men. Vitamin B6 in bean sprouts aids in regulating female reproductive hormones, while their rich antioxidant content, […]

Meet Probiotics and Prebiotics!
Both probiotics and prebiotics are important for keeping your digestive system healthy, but they are not the same. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your gut, while prebiotics are a type of fiber that helps these good bacteria grow and stay balanced. To make it clearer, let’s explore the key differences between probiotics and […]

Balanced Nutrition: Are You Meeting Your Dietary Needs?
Balanced nutrition entails structuring daily food intake to align with the body’s nutritional requirements. In principle, it comprises of four essential pillars recommended for maintaining overall health and functionality. According to The Nutrition Source by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, there’s a concept called the Healthy Eating Plate, which emphasizes four key components […]

A Career Woman’s Healthy Diet
As a career woman, maintaining nutritional balance is important. However, in reality, achieving this can be quite challenging, especially when time for cooking is limited due to daily work commitments. Isabel, a freelancer and member of the Ayo-ma team, resonates with this struggle. To cope with her busy schedule, Isabel opts for meal prep to […]