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How to Boost Immunity?

How to Boost Immunity?

How to boost your body’s immunity? Having a strong immune system is the primary way to protect yourself against diseases. The immune system is the first line of defense against germs that cause infections.  Consistent efforts to increase body resistance are as follows: Eat a balanced nutritious diet; Eat fruits & vegetables rich in vitamin […]

Is Milk a Healthy Drink for Children?

Is Milk a Healthy Drink for Children?

Is milk a healthy drink for children? Milk contains various important nutrients and helps keep the body’s organs functioning properly. Drinking milk supports a child’s development and helps satisfy daily nutrition. Milk also contains protein and calcium – which helps maintain bone strength. Milk is available in liquid and powder form. It also comes in […]

Have You Tried Healthy Noodles?

Have You Tried Healthy Noodles?

Have you tried healthy noodles? Noodles have become one of the favorite foods of many people. The most common noodles we encounter in Indonesia are instant noodles, for which excessive consumption is not recommended. Healthy noodles are types of noodles that are flour-based and whose manufacturing process includes a variety of vegetables. They usually come […]

When to Eat Snacks?

When to Eat Snacks?

When to Eat Snacks?Snacks cannot replace the main meals: breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Try not to eat snacks while doing other things. Snacks can be consumed after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, or before dinner. Have them around 10 am or 4 pm. Healthy snacks are low-fat low sugar, but high in vitamins and minerals. […]

How to Shop for Ingredients?

How to Shop for Ingredients?

                  How to Shop for Ingredients? Stock the fridge with (a) healthy and nutritious ingredients such as fresh fruits and vegetables, (b) frozen ingredients such as chicken, beef, and fish, and (c) fresh tofu & tempeh ingredients. Remember that the texture of the vegetables should be crunchy. […]

What Are Healthy Drinks?

What Are Healthy Drinks?

What constitutes a healthy drink? Warm drinks are great to consume. For example warm lemon juice with ginger and warm tea with mint. These warm drinks can stabilize blood sugar, relieve coughs and runny noses, overcome indigestion, and boost immunity. After a workout, you should not consume any beverages indiscriminately. Avoid energy drinks and sodas […]

There Are 3 Categories of Main Meals

There Are 3 Categories of Main Meals

1. Breakfast is an important meal in the morning. Make time and remember that your body needs food as a source of energy to fuel your muscles and brain. Eat something light and quick, such as: Banana, granola & yogurt, or Rolled oats with fruits; Green smoothie or eggs with whole wheat bread. Add warm […]

What's the Difference Between Natural and Artificial Flavors?

What’s the Difference Between Natural and Artificial Flavors?

Artificial flavors are commonly used because they are made from synthetic chemicals and are generally cheaper to produce than natural ingredients. While many foods are labeled as “safe to eat,” be cautious, as some may still pose health risks. Foods with organic or entirely natural flavors contain natural ingredients without artificial additives. These are healthier […]

What about Packaging Label?

What about Packaging Label?

What is Packaging Label? All packaged food products or drinks … Setiap produk makanan atau minuman kemasan memiliki label yang berisi informasi nilai gizi dari produk tersebut. Sesuai penjelasan Badan Pengawas Obat & Makanan ( BPOM ),  baca Label kemasan dengan cermat, ini salah satu pedoman gizi seimbang. Ada komposisi pangan dan nutrisi dibagian belakang […]

How to Prepare Crispy Food?

How to Prepare Crispy Food?

        The Air Fryer is a modern cooking appliance that can be used to fry various types of food, such as chicken, potatoes, vegetables, and frozen foods. Frying food with an air fryer only requires a small amount of oil (1 tbsp oil). The oil in the food will be released and […]
