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Muntok Pepper should be made known to the world.

Muntok Pepper should be made known to the world.

Have you heard about Muntok Pepper? It is a white pepper product from the Bangka Belitung Islands that has been exported to various parts of the world to meet 40% of the global demand for pepper. Muntok White Pepper boasts a high-quality spice flavour due to its elevated piperine content, providing it with intense spiciness […]

Moringa Leaf

Moringa Leaf

What is Moringa Leaf? Moringa leaves of the Moringa Oleufera species contain: a. Potassium b. High levels of vitamins A-B-C and mineral content c. High levels of calcium, protein, iron, fiber, amino acids, and antioxidants What are the benefits of Moringa Leaf? a. Reduce pain and swelling b. Help lower blood sugar and blood pressure […]

The Synergy of Nature and Man in a cup of coffee

The Synergy of Nature and Man in a cup of coffee

Coffee enthusiasts are usually well aware of the distinct traits of coffees from a particular region. For instance, while coffee is grown all over the world, only a handful of coffee producers can boast the title of “Bali Kintamani Coffee” As you may have guessed, Bali Kintamani Coffee originates from the Island of the Gods, […]

Who Says Chocolate is Unhealthy?

Who Says Chocolate is Unhealthy?

People often think that eating chocolate is unhealthy due to its sweetness. Actually, chocolate has some pretty good benefits for the body. So, what are some healthy ways to enjoy chocolate? Before we dive into that, let’s talk about chocolate. Chocolate is a processed food or drink made from cocoa products. Fermented and dried cocoa beans go […]

Tempeh, the Nation’s Savior

Tempeh, the Nation’s Savior

Have you ever been told not to have a tempeh mentality? Or heard people refer to poor-quality items as tempeh-grade items? I don’t know what’s wrong with tempeh that it conjures such a negative connotation. For sure, it made me reluctant to eat tempeh. I don’t want to grow up to be a tempeh-minded person […]

Cassava Product

Cassava Product

What is cassava and its health benefits? Cassava is a type of root vegetable that contains carbohydrates. It is the staple food of some regions in Indonesia. Do you know what the benefits of cassava are for health? a. Cassava roots Although the primary roles of the cassava root include providing support to the stem […]

Sorghum Product

Sorghum Product

What is sorghum? Sorghum is a principal cereal grain that ranks at 5th as a food source following wheat, corn, rice, and barley. Sorghum is high in yield and resistant to both drought and pests. Due to sorghum having the lowest glycemic index value compared to rice and wheat, it is in our hope that […]

Seaweed Product

Seaweed Product

Have you been consuming seaweed for health benefits? Seaweeds, also known as sea vegetables, are marine plants. Some of its benefits are: • Lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. • Maintaining healthy skin and bones. • Preventing cancer and removing toxins in the body. • Boosting the Immune system and accelerating the healing of wounds What […]

Ayoma Hampers

Ayoma Hampers

    The hampers distributed by Ayoma are an expression of concern for children in Indonesia, particularly those who are affected by stunting. All the products included in the hampers are donated by sponsors. The contents of the Ayoma bag are the result of collaboration with SMEs on healthy Indonesian products. In 2021, Ayoma has […]
