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How to Eat Fruit and Vegetable Every Day?

How to Eat Fruit and Vegetable Every Day?

How to consume fruit and vegetable daily? Having equivalent nutritional value, fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The World Health Organization and the Indonesian Ministry of Health have established the recommended serving size of fruits and vegetables for individuals to maintain good health.

It is recommended to consume a minimum of 150 grams of fruit per day, with a wider assortments of fruits providing better nutrition. However, it’s important to consider that certain fruits such as durian, lychee, rambutan, and mango contain high levels of sugar.

– Make sure to consume fresh fruit and vegetable.

– Wash fruit and vegetable thoroughly to prevent bacterial and pesticide contamination.

– Store fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator

– Opt for whole fruits instead of juicing them. Vegetables are more suitable for juicing.

– Fruit juice is best without sugar or condensed milk

– Buy local fruits in season.

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