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Moringa Leaf

Moringa Leaf

  1. What is Moringa Leaf?
    Moringa leaves of the Moringa Oleufera species contain:
    a. Potassium
    b. High levels of vitamins A-B-C and mineral content
    c. High levels of calcium, protein, iron, fiber, amino acids, and antioxidants
  2. What are the benefits of Moringa Leaf?
    a. Reduce pain and swelling
    b. Help lower blood sugar and blood pressure
    c. Slow the growth of cancer cells
    d. Reduce stress
    e. Fight free radicals
    f. Lower cholesterol
    g. Provide nourishment to hair and skin and promote wound healing
    Moringa, the Nutritionally Amazing Superfood15x Potassium from banana
    10x Vitamin A from carrots
    25x Iron from spinach
    1/2x Vitamin C from orange
    17x Calcium from milk
    9x Protein from yogurt3x Potassium from banana
    4x Vitamin A from carrot
    3/4x Iron from spinach
    7x Vitamin C from orange
    4x Calcium from milk
    2x Protein from yogurt
  3. Where are the locations of the Moringa leaf producers in Indonesia?
    a. Blora – a Moringa conservation village
    b. Timor Island – The second highest quality of Moringa in the world, after Spain,
    is produced in NTT
    c. Madura
    d. Sulawesi
    e. Sumatra
  4. What food and drink recipes can be created using Moringa leaves?
    Moringa clear vegetable

    Moringa noodles

    Moringa pudding

    Moringa sticks

    Moringa cookies

    Moringa chocolate

    Moringa leaf juice

    Wedang Moringa (Moringa Brew)
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