High-fiber foods help balance the good bacteria in the gut, resulting in improved digestion. Keeping our digestive system healthy is of utmost importance, as it forms the foundation of our overall well-being. A healthy digestive system keeps Ayo-ma friends away from various diseases, ranging from GERD, peptic ulcers, hepatitis, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, and Celiac disease to hemorrhoids and cancer.
Beyond digestive health, consuming fiber-rich foods offers additional advantages:
- Longer satiety
High-fiber foods tend to prolong rge feeling of fullness compared to sugary, low-fiber food. This long-lasting satiety is what makes you eat less, as it signals to your brain that you’re satisfied, reducing the desire to consume more. - Cholesterol control
Water-soluble fiber has the benefit of lowering the levels of bad cholesterol called LDL (low- density lipoprotein). This type of fiber binds to cholesterol within the digestive system, preventing its absorption by the body. Consequently, excess cholesterol is eliminated through feces. That way, the cholesterol levels in your blood become more manageable. - Blood sugar regulation
Fiber can slow down the process of food, preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, especially after consuming high-carbohydrate foods.
So, how much fiber should we aim to consume daily?
- Children: 19-23 grams
- Teenage boys: 28-37 grams
- Teenage girls: 27-29 grams
- Adult male: 37 grams
- Adult female: 32 grams
- Pregnant women: 35 grams
- Nursing mothers: 38 grams
Here are examples of foods that contain high fiber:
- Broccoli
Every 100 grams of broccoli contains 5.1 grams of fiber. Make sure not steam or boil broccoli for more than 5 minutes since it can compromise and degrade the vitamin and nutrient content.
- Lentils
A 100-gram serving of lentils contains 7.9 grams of fiber, equivalent to 21-24% of the daily fiber requirement for adults aged 19-29. For lentil-based recipes, click here.
- Pears
Pears contain up to 5.5 grams of fiber, which can help meet about 17% of the daily fiber needs for adult women aged 19-29 years.
Ayo-ma friends may have seen various fiber supplements marketed as good for health. In actuallity, fiber can be obtained from our daily food choices By paying attention to the food ingredients we consume, our fiber needs can be met. Keep in mind that individual fiber requirements may vary, so customized your intake accordingly
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