Do you enjoy drinking rosella flower tea? In recent years, it has been gaining popularity due to its impressive health benefits. The tart flavor of rosella flowers can help nourish our body due to the organic acids it contains.
Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are known for their various health benefits, one of which is aiding in diabetes management. These bioactive ingredients, including flavonoids and antioxidants, play a crucial role in protecting body cells from free radical damage and supporting pancreatic health. Interestingly, the high flavonoid and antioxidant content of rosella flowers is reflected in their vibrant red color!
This is supported by research conducted by Prof. Dr. Fransiska Rungkat Zakaria, a Professor at Bogor Agricultural University, who explained that rosella flowers have the potential to maintain pancreatic health. When the pancreas functions optimally, insulin production is enhanced, which can help prevent or manage diabetes.
Rosella flowers are commonly available in dried form. To prepare the tea, simply take three dried rosella flowers, brew them in hot water, and let it steep until the tea turns a vibrant red color. Ayo-ma friends can consume 1-2 cups of rosella flower tea a day to maintain optimal health.
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