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Sorghum Product

Sorghum Product

What is sorghum?

Sorghum is a principal cereal grain that ranks at 5th as a food source following wheat, corn, rice, and barley. Sorghum is high in yield and resistant to both drought and pests. Due to sorghum having the lowest glycemic index value compared to rice and wheat, it is in our hope that sorghum is grown more efficiently across Indonesia to enable more people to consume it as a healthier food alternative.

Ayo-ma aims to provide entrepreneurial mothers with knowledge and encourage their creativity in utilizing sorghum for food and beverage recipes or producing Indonesian souvenir snacks.

What are the benefit of sorghum?

Sorghum contains high levels of vitamins and nutrients, such as niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin. Additionally, sorghum seeds are a good source of minerals including potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus. Additional health benefits from consuming sorghum include:

• Being gluten-free, making it good for digestion.
• Maintaining cholesterol levels.
• Being rich in fiber preventing obesity, stroke, and diabetes.
• As complex carbohydrates making you feel full for longer and helping lose excess weight
• Maintaining bone health
• Containing antioxidants
• As anti-inflammation


Where can we find sorghum cultivators in Indonesia?

• NTT and NTB
• Central Java
• East Java
• South Sulawesi
• Southeast Sulawesi


What food and beverages can be made using sorghum?

Sorghum as a potential substitute for wheat, rice, and maize can be made into a variety of healthy foods and beverages. Sorghum is a sustainable option because every part of the plant can be utilized, leaving zero waste. The seeds can be processed into flour, rice, biscuits, and animal feed.

The stems can be turned into sugar, soy sauce, syrup, and candy. The leaves are edible and can be used to make chips or as a natural coloring agent. The roots have medicinal properties and are used in herbal medicine to enhance blood flow.

Food made from sorghum: sorghum fried rice, sorgum cookies, sorghum teng-teng, popped sorghum, sorghum chips, sorghum tempeh chips, sorghum roll, sorghum keciput

sorgum fried rice                                                sorgum cookies

Beverages made from sorghum: sorghum nectar wedang ginger, sorghum syrup, and ice ice sorghum grass jelly.

Sorghum grass jelly                                           Sorghum wedang ginger

Sorghum for exported goods: popped sorghum, sorghum tempeh chips, sorghum roll

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