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Supporting Indonesian Children with YSBM

Supporting Indonesian Children with YSBM

Yayasan Saluran Berkat Mandiri (YSBM) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to ensuring that every Indonesian child has equal access to a nutritious diet, a quality education, and the opportunity to break free from poverty.

Since 2022, YSBM has received 400 Ayo-ma Bags to be donated to several Rumah Belajar. These Ayo-ma bags are expected to bring happiness to the children who receive them and motivate them to study more diligently.

Did you know that some of the profits from the Gift Nusantara box will be allocated to providing Ayo-ma Bags to YSBM and other partner foundations? If you’re planning to visit an orphanage and are unsure about what to bring for the children, you can purchase Ayo-ma Bags directly from our online store.


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