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The Synergy of Nature and Man in a cup of coffee

The Synergy of Nature and Man in a cup of coffee

Coffee enthusiasts are usually well aware of the distinct traits of coffees from a particular region. For instance, while coffee is grown all over the world, only a handful of coffee producers can boast the title of “Bali Kintamani Coffee”

As you may have guessed, Bali Kintamani Coffee originates from the Island of the Gods, precisely in the highlands of Mount Batur. As it happens, Bali is not just renowned for its breathtaking beaches, but also abundant natural resources like the exquisite Bali Kintamani Coffee.

Bali Kintamani coffee tends to be fragrant and has citrusy chocolate flavor. The taste is mild and very popular, not only with locals but also with foreign tourists. Therefore, Bali Kintamani Coffee is exported to various countries in the world such as Japan, China, Saudi Arabia and Austria.

The exquisite flavor of Bali Kintamani Coffee is the result of the perfect combination of quality coffee seeds, the mineral-rich soil of Mount Batur’s slopes, and the meticulous processing of coffee cherries into exceptional coffee beans.

The Hindu teachings embraced by the coffee farmers in Bali place great importance on the philosophy of maintaining the balance of nature. As a result, Bali Kintamani Coffee plantations adopt eco-friendly practices, which include the use of subak irrigation systems, organic fertilizers, and no pesticides. Moreover, the trees are interplanted with other plants, such as citrus trees or vegetables. It makes one wonder if the citrus flavor of Bali Kintamani Coffee is a result of this.

Bali Kintamani Coffee is one of the first products to be registered and recognized by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Sub Directorate of Trademarks and Geographical Indications. These coffee farmers had to go through a very strict administrative process and quality testing to get Bali Kintamani Coffee registered. Therefore, the products they produce are guaranteed to be of high quality.At present in Bali, the price for premium-grade Kintamani coffee in the form of dried coffee beans ranges from Rp80,000 to Rp100,000 per kilogram. As for the standard class, it is available at around Rp60,000 per kilogram, with some offerings as low as Rp50,000 per kilogram.

A cup of coffee is more than just a delightful flavor; it offers many benefits for our bodies. The caffeine content in coffee drives away drowsiness and revitalizes us at work. Coffee is also believed to boost our metabolism. It is no surprise that coffee cultivation dates back several centuries. In Bali alone, coffee cultivation has started since the 1800s.


Wouldn’t you love to try Bali Kintamani Coffee? Don’t worry, you don’t need to travel all the way to Bali to experience it. Bali Kintamani Coffee is readily available in various regions and, off course, on your favorite e-commerce platform. So, what are you waiting for? Give the exquisite Bali Kintamani Coffee a try!

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