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Unconventional yet Nutritious Vegetables

Unconventional yet Nutritious Vegetables

In this day and age, kale, chia seeds, and alfalfa have gained prominence as superfoods, enticing many to include them in their diets due to their multitude health benefits. With the advancement of technology, accessing information about these nutritious vegetables has become easier than ever. However, Ayo-ma friends, did you know that our country boasts numerous vegetables that rival these superfoods in taste and nutritional value? Moreover, they are more affordable and readily available. Intrigued? Check these out!

1.​ Kenikir Leaf
Kenikir leaves are also known as Ulam Raja. Often overshadowed by spinach, kale, or mustard greens, they offer significant health benefits. Rich in saponins, flavonoids, essential oils, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calcium, and vitamin A, these leaves are sometimes used in dishes like pecel or urap.

2.​ Leunca
Despite its small size, Leunca fruit packs a nutritional punch. Containing compounds like solasonine, solasodine, solamargine, and solanine, Leunca exhibits cancer-inhibiting properties. A delicious and healthy way to enjoy Leunca is by incorporating it into dishes like Oseng Leunca Tempe, combining the protein-rich tempeh with the nutritious Leunca.

3.​ Kecipir
Originating from Papua New Guinea, Kecipir is a tropical legume with versatile culinary uses. Its leaves can be consumed like spinach, flowers can enhance salads, and tubers can be eaten raw or cooked. Despite its nutritional richness, Kecipir has become rare due to waning interest. However, it offers essential nutrients like protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, iron, and fiber. Ayo-ma friends can try incorporating Kecipir into dishes like Lotek or enjoy it with kale petis.

Regrettably, many Indonesians have become estranged from the local vegetables abundant in their surroundings. Neglected due to lack of interest, some of these vegetables have dwindled in availability. Yet, they offer delightful flavors and exceptional nutrition. To safeguard our local vegetable heritage, let’s embrace these indigenous vegetables and create healthy, flavorful dishes for our families.





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