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What's the Difference Between Natural or Artificial Flavors?

What’s the Difference Between Natural or Artificial Flavors?

Artificial Flavors are used because there are synthetic chemicals and are generally cheaper to produce than natural ingredients. Many foods are “safe to eat” but be careful because they are actually dangerous to eat.


Foods with organic, or completely natural flavors, have Natural Flavors without being artificial. This will be healthier and taste good food that is prepared from home because it is not processed at the factory. try to cook fresh ingredients and cook at home, the natural taste is really created.


Eating fresh ingredients is good for the body, such as onions, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg and spices that are very much in Indonesia. Fast food condiments are easier to buy than buying instant packaged foods. Read the packaging label and avoid expired spices or powders that don’t smell like spices.


Almost all the food around us is made of chemicals, the thing you need to worry about is not the flavors & flavours, but the nutritional content of the food you eat. Use flavors & flavorings wisely.

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